Reading an email, text or web post by my sister usually involves a few false starts, squinting, silently sounding out the word and looking at the entire sentence to understand what message she is trying to convey. I can honestly say that when my sister sends me a text I normally have to call her back just to ask her what the hell she meant.
Here is a perfect example of one of my sisters most repeated and frequent typo: in joy = enjoy. It took me a while to figure she meant enjoy and every time I corrected the typo. Every time I corrected the typo she responded "u know what I meant"
And I always answer back "yeah but it took me a while."
But today I started to think about it what if she really means in joy? Some how in joy sounds better than enjoy. In joy sounds like all kinds of marvelous wonderful things. All of a sudden I to wanted to "in joy" I was tempted to even ask her how I could go accomplish the in joy task.
Then I realized my sister was already in joy and if I had come to understand in joy I was half way to understanding its vague yet delicious meaning.
Granted I have no right to correct any one's spelling, I have more red underlined words than average. But now I am beginning to wonder when can a misspelled word become something greater?
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