Today was a long day or as I have marked my calendar it was visit each section of DC day. I started off in the SW for meeting one. My eyelids were open, I nodded politely. My timing was excellent and I responded to questions I didn't find particularly interesting or worth listening to closely.
On to the next the meeting in the NE because not skipping all over town would have been to easy. By the way with all this modern technology why is a physical presence still necessary? But I digress, I inhaled another espresso and was verbal enough to make the meeting participants feel that they had scored some real achievements. I on the other hand spent my time wondering if I was going to beat the rain going home.
Meeting number three I could see the home stretch, more of the same only now my stomach had woken up to bad stomach we are in the SE the only thing on every other corner is a fried chicken and we don't touch that stuff. My stomach rebelled promising not to listen. I pointed out that we hadn't listened all day stomach decided to go passive aggressive rumble and grumble. OK you win stomach you embarrassed me.
And then I blinked the fourth meeting in the NW was over. Yes the lunch crowd was long gone I had my pick of places. And then the stomach decided to play we don't know what we want. Thankfully I was standing next to Cosi so I made an executive decision.
Ah Cosi with your wonderful signature salad how I drool over thee. I sat in my table feeling like royalty with a feast. When I noticed that off to the corner sat two gentlemen having a late lunch.
Tap, tap tap. Yes G+ updates.
"I am not shaving that" Ears perked up. "She asked you to shave that?"
"I am not gay what will people think if I shave my ___" Damn it I couldn't hear the deal breaker. What did she want him to shave? Was it his head, arms, legs, arm pits? I faked stretched, moving closer, hoping to finally catch the mysterious patch of offensive hair to be shaved. Sensing that they had an interested third party the two gentlemen through out the remains of a lunch that had long been eaten.
I sulked, now I would have to actually imagine what she wanted him to shave? So if you are in the NW happen to stop off in Cosi after the lunch crowd and you hear of shaving adventures please fill me in I am burning with curiosity.
Yes I did beat the rain, you are still thinking about the shaving I understand.
I would do anything for love
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