Monday, June 24, 2013


This chapter is ending, I feel as if I should say goodbye. I feel as if I should exit with eloquence and meaningful parable to give gravitas to my time here in the DMV. 

Instead of saying goodbye I will sum up some of my experiences and what I learned. 

Being bilingual can be a pain in the behind. People who speak Spanish will be hostile and suspicious because I speak English. 

People who only speak English are resentful and suspicious of people who speak two languages. 

I learned that southern cuisine is over rated. 

Sadly I saw the casualties in the "immigration reform" debates and they are all children. 

All over the DMV area I saw undocumented individual working hard to provide for their families. 

I saw kindness when I was on the bus this morning a woman who had just been released from the hospital got on she didn't have money to ride the bus. A senior citizen tucked her walker in she pulled our her change person not much was in it and she handed the lady the money needed to ride the bus. 

I saw people from all over the world visit the nations monuments. And I will never grow tired from the looks on their faces. This country still has magic. 

I remember the chair knocking episode aka the earthquake. I was visiting one of my schools and Ms. Meredith grabbed me and pulled me into a door her concern was making sure I was ok. Afterwards she wanted to know if I was ok. 

I learned that wheel locks are important, wish I had known that before all my wheels and rims were stolen. 

I learned that football is a religion here. 

I learned to always search for the pockets of kindness that are littered the hours of the day. 

Goodbye DMV you are now a part of my DNA and memory banks. 

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