"Amelia Bedila" Her mother sing-songed over the phone don't forget to wear the Michael Kors black dress your calves are still chu-full and we want Blaine, they had grown up together. Blaine had studied at University of Chicago Under grad and Grad before he had landed a consulting gig out in Germany. Amelia had always had a secret crush on Blaine and had been surprised to hear that her mother had arranged the date with him.
Amelia started to sweat it was 8:15 and Blaine had not shown up, they had arranged to meet at the trendy Sushi place he had suggested. The bartender walked back to Amelia would you like another sake miss? He asked with the bored indifference that was reserved for the plain janes and the single non-high rollers. No I am waiting for my date Amelia blurted out, the bartender gave her a polite smile as he didn't want to completely blow his tip. 15 minutes later Ameila paid the tab and headed for the bathroom pretending that she had changed her mind about dinner.
Just as she was walking out head down she was to embarrassed to see if the bartender was looking in her direction. "Amelia Bedilia" Amelia's face went red hot the male voice was obviously Blaine Amelia looked up and plastered a smile on her face.
"Hi Blaine" Amelia stared like an idiot he was even better looking than she remembered, Blaine gave Amelia a once over, with an insincere smile he said sorry I am late, got held up in the office. "Oh I understand, work can be brutal." Amelia looked up at her crush picturing wedding bells and happily ever after. Blaine raised an eyebrow funny I thought you were working with homeless people I mean if they are homeless not much can be done about that he said carelessly." Amelia nodded "that is true but it can be emotionally draining work." Blaine frowned but they are homeless you don't them so how can it be stressful?" Stressful is having to move $350 million Euro at the right second or lose it all Blaine patted Amelia's head.
Blaine headed towards the same empty bar stools where Amelia had sat waiting for him. The bartender reappeared looked at Amelia and Blaine. Sensing a fat wallet the bartender politely asked Blaine what he would have. Blaine ordered an expensive bottle of sake without asking Amelia her preference. So tell me Bedilia, who is Lily dating now? Amelia wish she had left earlier.
Lily is married, she just had a baby, she married Roger Cooper. The look of disappointment on Blaine's face could not have been more apparent. Well I guess we should toast Roger for being one lucky bastard Blaine laughed. Amelia smiled inside she wanted to run out of the restaurant and go home.
Here have a shot of sake, Amelia shook her head, Blaine's face darkened in disgust and boredom you are still the same uptight bore he sneered. Amelia picked up the glass and drank the sake in one shot. Attagirl Blaine egged her on, shot after shot.
Amelia opened her eyes she was lying face down on the floor in her apartment, she could smell vomit and nearby was a used condom. Blaine walked out of the bathroom drying his hair with her towel and threw it on the vomit, he quickly dressed. Amelia was struggling to sit up but the floor was spinning.
Well it was real fun Amelia Bedelia but like I said last night oral is better without a condom, that is why you choked and puked. I'll call you and with that the door banged and Amelia was still on the floor wondering she hadn't woken up sooner so she could have cleaned herself up she could have made him breakfast so he would have stuck around longer.