Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sound the alarm

Sound the alarm, or better yet listen to all the small quiet signals that keep whispering the truth. Having trouble falling asleep on Sunday?
Dreading walking into another meeting?
Look for ways to show even a modicum of interest in office politics and gossip?
You look at a new reporting procedure and you  start looking at retired senior citizens with envy?
When someone leaves the department you feel bitter envy mixed with happiness because they escaped?

When your alarm clock goes off yo lay in bed and your brain buzzes in protest while your body lays unresponsive?

You drink two double espresso before leaving the house and yet you get to the office and your eyes are barely open as you greet your co-workers.

You ask yourself if this is it, is this all to life, but you are to scared to change because change means having to embrace your dream.

Sound the alarm because it is time to leave the zombie state behind and embrace who you are meant to be, you were meant for more than 9-5.

Sound the alarm because everything can change when you run towards your dreams you don't need a double espresso or an alarm clock. You greet each day with joy. So sound the alarm and start something new.

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