Stress can be good or bad. Stress can help you meet and achieve goals. Stress can kill you, I am not trying to be melodramatic enough research has proven that to much stress can be harmful to individuals.
My blog is where I like to keep myself honest on my journey to becoming a published author. Stress is something that 99.999999999999999999% of Americans are feeling at this moment.
Having a 9-5 job where you feel unappreciated, overworked and which makes you question your professional goals is stress + mental beatings.
When I write I feel free, unfettered by all the social mores that dictate my life hour by hour. When I write I create. I view the creative process a divine gift, the ability to uplift and entertain people are a narcotic fix for me.
Today is one of those days when I feel like the world has beaten me down. I feel no shame in crying "uncle" but will keep the white flag in the box where it belongs. Life is not easy, the journey through life takes many twists and turns. My ultimate goal is to be a full time writer, until that day, I will continue to work on balancing the demands of the day to day chaos and all it brings and my love of creating stories.
When I was very young I remember that even when I had a bad day, I knew that I could relieve some stress within the covers of a good book. And not only would I relieve my stress but have the added bonus of learning something.
I am thankful that I learned a stress coping technique that was not beneficial for my health. I hope that as I continue to write someday someone will pick up my book and find stress relief from the daily existence called life.
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