Friday, August 16, 2013

Meet people where they are

I have been spending a lot of time with my nieces to much time and Smokey the cat. I enjoy being with my nieces and nephew, they are the reason I came back to NYC. I very much want to watch them grow and learn. I want to see them as they head off to school, learn to read and navigate the minefield called elementary friendship.

My nieces all have quirks, (if they ever read this they will probably strangle me) SJ tugs on ears to signal she is sleepy.  Gray does a scalp massage thingy when she is sleepy.

SJ is smooshed up against my side with her hand hovering over my ear as I type this. Should I move her? Probably, but that will only wake her up. I want her to sleep not because I want the peace and quiet I really do. As uncomfortable as I at the moment these are the memories that leave deep grooves so that the memory skips like a scratched record. I remember carrying her when she was born, her little face red like an apple, her eyelids fluttered rapidly. I wondered what do angels dream about?

When Gray was born I felt like I had received yet another amazing gift, when I pick her up and she throws her around me and squeezes it is my heart that cant breathe. Gray's hugs feel like the purest, cleanest air.

Today as I sit here having my poor earlobe abused, I guess I could say no and move her hand. SJ would be deprived of her favorite method for self soothing and my earlobe would feel awesome but I would miss out on what makes SJ unique. SJ reminded me that we all have quirks and sometimes we just have to meet someone where they are.

Granted it is difficult meeting adults where they are, most adults have baggage, can be abusive and sometimes we cant even see their quirks. Maybe this is just another lesson in life presents itself when the mind is open.

I have to go now typing with one hand is difficult and my other arm is numb, and I wouldn't change a thing