Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What do the Kardashians have in common with Downton Abbey?

Disclaimer I have watched maybe 1 total episode of the Kardashians reality TV show. Downton Abbey on the other hand I have watched every episode some even twice.

The dialogue on Downton Abbey is razor sharp, Julian Fellowes packs a lot into a one hour episode. So much has happened on Downton that it is difficult to pick out a favorite episode, character, line etc. At the end of season 2 *spoiler alert* (do not keep reading if you have not watched the show and want to watch) Sybil is upset not because the war is over, because she will have to go back to her monotonous days. The war gave, Sybil and Edith something to do, Mary as always was busy being Mary.

Sybil and Edith found, purpose, passion and an outlet for days that before war were an endless stream of: finding a suitable marriage match. It is not hard to imagine why Edith and Sybil would have enjoyed the work that  came with the war.

Sybil and Edith are portrayed as bright, intelligent, and educated as was dictated at the time. Both Edith and Sybil realize that there is more to life than a new a dress, or hat. They want to use their minds and find meaning in life. Cora as any good mother wants what is best for her daughters and given the era that meant finding a wealthy husband.

Cora and Kris Jenner have a lot in common, they have daughters with limited talent, appeal, skills but they want their daughters to be financially comfortable and well connected.

This all leads me to question how critical I have been of Kris Jenner, history is full of mom's look to make suitable matches for their daughters. Please do not mistake this as a sign that I am endorsing Kris Jenner's parenting methods. I am only pointing out that she is very shrewd and willing to above and beyond for daughters financial well being.

And the cynic in me says that as usual there is nothing new under the sun that its just history repeating itself h/t http://edwardianpromenade.com/women/the-american-heiress/

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