Saturday, May 18, 2013

I gotcha your number right here

A few days ago I saw on post on G+ offering a fool-proof method to acquire a kajilion new G+ members over night.

I scratched my head for a while, but curiosity won out and I clicked on the persons profile. I scrolled through an endless stream of re-post and one word response to re-posts.

I scratched my head some more. This individual offered no original content, when this person responded it was "yes" or "Great" or "awesome" After 50 posts I gave up on looking for anything longer than one sentence or original content.

Why bother having elventy billion followers or people circled have close to zero interaction.

I will admit I am biased, I enjoy the hell out of G+ every day I have an opportunity to talk to passionate, intelligent, charming, witty people who stretch me in ways I hadn't thought possible. I will also admit that G+ has spoiled me, I welcome meeting new people every day even as I my circles have evolved to include people whom I now consider friends. I know some people would say that friends is to strong a word for people I have not met but I disagree.

If I am quiet for a few hours or a day my notifications will ping with someone asking me how I am doing. My notifications show messages from so many different people sharing information they think I would be interested in reading or seeing. If I miss a certain post people will loop me in.

Here on G+ people care about each other it is obvious from the subtle forms of gentle, positive but firm support.

When I feel frustrated I know I have at my disposal a group of people who will listen and offer feedback without preachy advice.

So to the person with the eleventy billion people circle. I congratulate you but I am sad for you because I can't help but feel that you mis-understood the social network platform. It isn't a numbers game, it isn't even a game it is about connecting authentically with people we don't have access to because of time, space, geography etc.

My circle count may not be impressive but the people I interact with are awesome and I am grateful for them all.

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