Friday, October 26, 2012

Is being creative an accident? Or are we born creative?

Now sometimes I lay on the couch and I wonder how my brain can have so many great interesting ideas. And then I remember it started with this:

I mean seriously a cross-dressing rabbit? And let me tell you folks I thought that episode was EPIC I mean I wanted to watch that one episode over and over again (my mom was concerned but she thought ehhhh just a cartoon how bad can it be)

But then I turned 6 and I realized I was in need of more mature entertainment and I found this:
Her aunt pimps her out!!! And they do it to song and dance!!! I mean till this day if you throw on a song and start dancing I can be entertained by all kinds of craziness (explains my unwholesome Bollywood obsession)

Then I turned 10 I mean I was a grown up ready to TACKLE PROBLEMS and Hollywood show me the truth of my future.

Seriously I didn't stand a chance, my brain was forever conditioned to negotiate every interaction like a potential plot point in a movie.....Don't get me started on what I tried to do when I read Madeline L'Engles A Wrinkle in Time (I will save that for another day)

How about you? Were you born or did you become creative?

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